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AA Jan 2025 ADB
Azure Data Bricks
01 Azure Databricks Demo Part1 (66:03)
02 Azure Databricks Demo Part2 (69:15)
03 ADB - Create a Free Subscription (60:24)
04 ADB - Create Azure Subscription (50:56)
05 ADB - Read Data From CSV File (74:27)
06 ADB - Read Data From CSV File Part2 (50:00)
07 ADB - Utilities (45:56)
08 ADB - Install SQL (35:26)
09 ADB - Widgets Part1 (57:33)
10 ADB - Widgets Part2 (65:34)
11 ADB - Mounts (71:18)
12 ADB - Secrets and Types (55:18)
13 ADB - Install CLI (43:37)
14 ADB - Demos on Creating Secret Scope in Databricks (54:44)
15 ADB - Read the csv Files Data using Various Methods (65:50)
16 ADB - PySpark Intro, DWH and Big Data and Data Frame (64:15)
17 ADB - Write Modes in PySpark (66:16)
18 ADB - Read and Write Data in Parquet Files (49:03)
19 ADB - Create Data Frame with Schema (42:37)
20 ADB - Spark Data Types (10:33)
21 ADB - Intro on PySpark Functions (19:38)
22 ADB - Array Related Functions, withColumn, Col, Explode, Split (53:26)
23 ADB - Conditional Statement, Sort, Alias Functions (35:49)
24 ADB - Distinct, Union, Group By, Order By, Drop Duplicates (58:43)
25 ADB - Inner Join, Outer , Left Semi, Left and Right Anti Joins (29:22)
26 ADB - Pivot, UnPivot, Cross and Self Join, Lit Function (69:41)
27 ADB - Fillna, Range, Sample, Collect, Create Temp Table, Transform , UDFs (77:05)
28 ADB - ToJson, Ranking, Date and Time Functions (67:02)
29 Azure Data Bricks - Spark Functions Part5 Array Functions (19:40)
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27 ADB - Fillna, Range, Sample, Collect, Create Temp Table, Transform , UDFs
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